Interview with photographer Ekemini Gerdel!

Interview with photographer Ekemini Gerdel!

This week I got to talk to Ekemini Gerdel, a fantastic photographer who took photos of yours truly. I normally hate having my photo taken (I know you can relate) but I swear she made it really fun & easy & I actually like them, gasp!

I know you used to teach Chemistry back in England, what made you pivot to photography & how did you learn the skills?

I’ve always loved photography.  I called it ‘my expensive hobby.’  I started as a teenager when my school offered some photography lessons and loved it immediately.  Back then I didn’t realize you could make a career from photography so I kept it as a hobby and pursued a career in Sciences. I initially wanted to study medicine but after spending time working in a hospital, I quickly realized that wasn’t for me but I did love Chemistry so I pursued that path. It was when I started having my own children that I became more serious about photography, and started taking classes again, and investing time and energy into different story telling techniques, learning how to use [Adobe] Photoshop and Lightroom, mostly to capture the moments of my family and record our story.  After spending a decade as a stay at home mother, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, as my youngest was starting school full time. I had been taking on paid work as a photographer part time, so with my days clearing up I decided to jump in and pursue photography full time.

Photograph of a pregnant woman & her mother

What would you still like to learn, photography related or not?

Hmm that’s a good question, I’m always taking lessons on different parts of photography, learning to use Photoshop better, posing better, different styles of photography. There’s so much to learn. I would also like to learn to speak Italian. I have this dream of retiring to Rome or maybe a village in Italy one day, so it may be nice to speak the language.


Photograph of a smiling family: man, woman, & baby


How do you find customers/clients?

I get most of my portrait clients through word of mouth, which I’m so grateful for. It means people I work with enjoy their experience with me and are willing to share. I have recently started pitching commercial clients, which is terrifying because I hate having to sell myself, but I’m noticing the more I do it, the more confident I feel.  Also, the more I deliver work to happy clients, the more secure I feel about pitching new ones.


Photo of an exercise class


What inspires you? Do you find that you’re able to bring that into sessions with clients?

I am inspired by stories and people. I truly believe that images are powerful, and can help craft and influence our thoughts about people. I love crafting images that allow us to see people, to see their humanity and that there is more that connects us than separates.


Photograph of an older man hugging & pressing his face against a baby. The baby is smiling & looking at the camera.


Who’s a photographer(s) you are looking at right now?

There are so many photographers whose work I love. To name a few, Meg Loeks, Raven B Varona, Amanda Akokhia and Idoreyin Essien.



Do you have any events coming up? And how can people book with you?

I just had Spring Mini sessions in April for Mother’s day, I’ll be planning to do a couple more mini sessions, one at end of summer and one in Fall.  People can follow me on instagram (@essiengerdelphotography) to be among the first to know about those.  The Spring ones sold out quickly, so I’m planning to launch an email list giving VIPs early access to book those sessions. 

You can also
book me via my website.








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